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Jude Brereton and Kat Young, "Establishing Social Learning in an Engineering MOOC: Benefits for Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Education"Sustainability 202214, 5472.


Kat Young, Triona Sweeney, Rebecca Vos, Felicity Mehendale, Helena Daffern, "Evaluation of noise excitation as a method for detection of hypernasality", Applied Acoustics (190). 2022.


Jude Brereton, Helena Daffern, Kat Young and Michael Lovedee-Turner, "Addressing Gender Equality in Music Production: Current Challenges, Opportunities for Change, and Recommendations", in Gender in Music Production. 2020.


Kat Young, Cal Armstrong, Anthony I. Tew, Damian T. Murphy and Gavin Kearney, "A Numerical Study into Perceptually-Weighted Spectral Differences between Differently-Spaced HRTFs", in Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, York. 2019.


Kat Young, Gavin Kearney and Anthony I. Tew, "Acoustic Validation of a BEM-Suitable 3D Mesh Model of KEMAR", in Audio Engineering Society 71st International Conference: Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science, Tokyo. 2018.


Kat Young, Gavin Kearney and Anthony I. Tew,"Loudspeaker Positions with Sufficient Natural Channel Separation for Binaural Reproduction", in Audio Engineering Society 71st International Conference: Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science, Tokyo. 2018.


Kat Young, Michael Lovedee-Turner, Jude Brereton and Helena Daffern, "The Impact of Gender on Conference Authorship in Audio Engineering : Analysis Using a New Data Collection Method", IEEE Transactions on Education. Vol. 61(4), pp. 328-335, 2018.


Kat Young, Anthony I. Tew and Gavin Kearney, "Boundary Element Method Modelling of KEMAR for Binaural Rendering: Mesh Production and Validation", in Interactive Audio Systems Symposium, York. 2016.

Panels and Posters

Kat Young, Triona Sweeney, Rebecca R. Vos, Felicity Mehendale and Helena Daffern, "Noise excitation: A promising medical tool for detecting hypernasality, or a load of buzz about nothing?", Poster at LGBSTEMinar. January, 2021.


Amandine Pras, Grace Brooks, Kat Young, Daniel Fox, Mary Mazurek and Eliot Bates, "Unlocking the Control Room: Equity Achievements in Audio", Panel at Audio Engineering Society Convention. October, 2020.


Kat Young, "Art vs. Science: the battle for a multi-disciplinary existence", Talk at Pint of Science. May, 2019.


Kat Young, Gavin Kearney and Anthony I. Tew, "Feasibility of binaural reproduction using natural channel separation", Poster at LGBTSTEMinar. January, 2018.


Kat Young, Jude Brereton, Emmanuel Vaas, Eddie Dobson and Barkley McKay, "Gender Equality and the Audio Industries", Panel discussion for the AES UK launch of #HeForShe campaign alignment. February, 2018.


Kat Young, Gavin Kearney and Anthony I. Tew, "Boundary element method modelling of KEMAR: Acoustic Validation", Presentation and poster at York Doctoral Symposium (November, 2017) and Poster at Sounds in Space (June, 2017).


Kat Young, Anthony I. Tew and Gavin Kearney, "Boundary Element Method Modelling of KEMAR for Binaural Rendering: Mesh Production and Validation", Poster at Sounds in Space (June, 2017) and Poster at York Doctoral Symposium. (November, 2016).

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